
AMWHO Meeting

American Mock World Health Organization, or AMWHO, is an organization at OU that furthers the standard of global health policy education.

At the most recent meeting I went to, we discussed the concept of Human Rights in perspective to normal citizens, non-governmental organizations, governments around the world, and how individuals can promote this within our own communities and lives. We did this by using the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as a guide.

We also discussed the role of the United Nations and if it was actually beneficial to have or not. The United Nations doesn’t have any authoritative powers so we concluded that if they did, then their role would be more helpful. We also covered various global issues regarding public health and safety in different countries.

Along with those items, we also discussed the 2019 AMWHO International Conference held in Atlanta at Emory University next spring. This conference helps us to gain information about global health problems and policies, and be able to delegate them.

I’m really excited to be apart of this organization since it combines my two interests of health and medicine, as well as global issues and international studies. As someone who wants to pursue medicine one day, I believe being apart of this program will help broaden my perspective of health on a global level.


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