
GEF Welcome

At the start of each school year, it is nice to reunite with fellow global engagement fellows, and meet new fellows. This year it was a little bit different meeting over zoom instead of in person. However, it was still a meaningful experience and a good time to share our stories with each other. This year, as a junior, I felt like I was more in the mentor role rather than the mentee and was excited when we broke out into breakout rooms, and underclassmen were asking me for advice and general guidance. I was happy to share thoughts about my major, study abroad experience in Puebla, and answer any questions they had regarding when and where to study abroad. 

We also shared how COVID has impacted us internationally. Looking at it positively, I said that despite keeping us from physically traveling, technology during COVID has brought us opportunities that would not have been available to us before such as attending conferences all over the country and world. As a pre-med student, I’ve noticed a lot of schools having conferences over zoom that are available to all students across the country, whereas before they were only accessible for students to attend if they were in the nearby area, or had the means to travel. I think this is something that we will continue, and further develop post COVID and I am looking forward to how this will affect our world.

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