
Global Brigades

Something that I’ve always wanted to do during early adulthood is to travel and experience different cultures, as it is one of my main passions. Since I came to OU, I’ve wanted to participate in Global Brigades which is a program where we help solve health and economic disparities in different countries in the world. The country I was selected to go to is Ghana and I am currently planning to go during the intercession of May 2020. I am VERY excited to do this since this is something that I’ve always wanted to do. During the first informational meeting, we learned about what we will be doing there. We will be seeing multiple patients during our stay and more than treating the patients, we will be educating them so that when we leave, we are leaving them with ways to keep themselves healthy. 

We will be having multiple events throughout the year to prepare for our trip and I am very excited to be able to go to Ghana through a program like this!

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