
Global Brigades Ghana

In May of 2020, I was planning on going to Ghana through global brigades, however with COVID, the trip got cancelled and is not postponed to 2021. Not knowing whether this trip will happen or not, we all met as a group over zoom to discuss any updates as we get closer to the trip. As of now, we are preparing as normal however we are also prepared that it may get cancelled again this year. But until it is official, we are proceeding as normal. Last year, I was on the education committee for the trip, so I decided to apply for it again. We were planning on creating lesson plans and games for “charla”, to educate about healthy hygiene habits. This is something that is really exciting to me because I love global health, and want to pursue that in some way in my future career, and I believe this trip through global brigades, and my experience on the education committee will help me get closer to that goal. 

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