
NISO Peer Mentor

This semester I decided to become a NISO peer mentor for international students in their first semester at OU. One of my good friends recommended I apply and I am very happy I did. Our jobs as mentors include guiding international students in their first semester and answering any questions they had. Considering the circumstances of this semester, we met with our students virtually. Some were on campus and others were still at home, waiting to travel. Normally, I’ve heard that there are many small group activities that mentors like to do with their group, however this semester was limited and we mainly just did zoom meetings to check up on them, and stayed in contact frequently through GroupMe and sent out any infographics including campus events, and any additional information that would be useful to them. I applied to be a mentor again next semester, so I’m hoping we’ll have more opportunities to interact with the mentees! 

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