
Presenting at Global Engagement day

As a Global Engagement Fellow, I had the opportunity to share my study abroad experience in Puebla, Mexico, to other fellows at Global Engagement Day. This was a fun opportunity for me as I presented a little about my experience and answered questions to students who were interested in my program, or about Puebla in general. 

Before I studied abroad, listening to other student’s about their study abroad trips helped me make my decision and made me more confident in doing so. I was glad to be able to serve as a resource to these students and explain to them why I chose my program and how I thought it would be beneficial to me. I advised them to make a plan for studying abroad and make sure you plan out their classes so that they have time to study abroad without feeling behind. Another piece of advice I told them was that they should find someone in the program to travel with and plan the same connecting flights with. This is something I would advise to anyone, especially people that don’t have a lot of international travel experience. 

Overall, this was a fun way for me to share my experiences with others, and also hear about other student’s study abroad experiences. I’m looking forward to next year’s Global Engagement Day! 

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